Player Stats Damiano Tommasi

Damiano Tommasi was born on May 17, 1974. He is currently 30 years old and plays as a Central Midfielder. His overall rating in FIFA 05 is 77 with a potential of 83. He prefers to shoot with his right foot. Tommasi's height is 180 cm cm and his weight is estimated at 78 kg kg according to our database. Currently, Damiano Tommasi is playing with number 17. His best stats are: Tackling: 85, Stamina: 80, Heading: 80, Shot Accuracy: 76, Ball Control: 75.

Damiano Tommasi FIFA 05

Damiano Tommasi EA FC FIFA 05 Career Mode Ratings


Damiano Tommasi77 83
FUT.GG Damiano Tommasi

Height 180 cm5'11"

Weight 78 kg172 lbs

Preferred Foot Right

Birth Date May 17, 1974

Age 30

Preferred Positions CMRCMRM

AS Roma FIFA 05 AS Roma

Position Res

Kit Number 17

Ball Skills

Ball Control 75

Dribbling 75


Marking 70

Tackling 85


Aggression 70

Anticipation 70

Composure 50

Creativity 65


Crossing 75

Passing 75

Long Balls 75


Acceleration 60

Pace 50

Stamina 80

Strength 70

Balance 70


Heading 80

Shot Accuracy 76

Shot Power 70


Reflexes 29

Rushing 23

Handling 21

GK Positioning 33