Player Stats Brian Kamler

Brian Kamler was born on Feb. 12, 1972. He is currently 33 years old and plays as a Wide Midfielder for Real Salt Lake in United States. His overall rating in FIFA 06 is 56 with a potential of 58. He prefers to shoot with his left foot. Kamler's height is 185 cm cm and his weight is estimated at 81 kg kg according to our database. Currently, Brian Kamler is playing with number 5. His best stats are: Anticipation: 76, Aggression: 72, Acceleration: 70, Pace: 70, Stamina: 70.

Brian Kamler FIFA 12

Brian Kamler EA FC FIFA 12 Career Mode Ratings

United StatesUnited States

Brian Kamler56 58
FUT.GG Brian Kamler

Height 185 cm6'1"

Weight 81 kg179 lbs

Preferred Foot Left

Birth Date Feb. 12, 1972

Age 39

Preferred Positions LM

Real Salt Lake FIFA 12 Real Salt Lake

Position Sub

Kit Number 5

Contract Length 2008

Ball Skills

Ball Control 9 51

Dribbling 9 67


Marking 9 54

Tackling 9 61


Aggression 9 72

Anticipation 9 76

Composure 9 46

Creativity 9 61


Crossing 9 51

Passing 9 58

Long Balls 9 51


Acceleration 9 70

Pace 9 70

Stamina 9 70

Strength 9 60

Balance 9 41


Heading 9 53

Shot Accuracy 27 44

Shot Power 9 51

Long Shots 52


Reflexes 20

Rushing 20

Handling 1 20

GK Positioning 4 24